Corporate Governance

The Board of Directors operates in accordance with the principles of good corporate governance for listed companies (Corporate Governance Code (CG Code) and encourages the adoption of the CG Code at all levels of the organization. The Board of Directors is committed and confident that good corporate governance, transparency and effectiveness will contribute to the Company’s performance and the best interests of shareholders.

The Board of Directors is involved in formulating the vision, strategy, and core policies of the Company. The Board of Directors also monitors the implementation of the strategy by reporting the results of operations at every meeting in order to follow up on achieving goals. The Board of Directors has divided the duties and responsibilities into sub-committees comprising the Audit Committee, Risk Management Committee, the Remuneration Committee, the Executive Committee.

The Board of Directors assigns the Executive Committee to monitor and ensure that the management allocates sufficient resources to operate the business and manage the work to achieve the goals according to the plan. In addition, the sub-committees, the Audit Committee, is responsible for the adequacy of the internal control system, and the Risk Management Committee is responsible for overseeing the risk control system in various operations of the Company. The Board of Directors reviewed the management structure to ensure that it was clear and that there were sufficient resources to carry out the tasks and the performance in various fields was monitored at every Board meeting.

 Whistle Blowing Policy  

  Risk Management Policy 

  Board Diversity Policy 

 Executive Remuneration Policy 

